Website Terms of Use

Use of and access to The Corner Studios’ website constitutes your acceptance of these Website Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy.

Important Disclaimer

While all reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of the material contained in this website, The Corner Studio does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of the information in this website. The information is by way of general commentary only, subject to change without notice, and does not constitute the giving of advice.

The Corner Studio does not warrant that this website, or any attachment to it (including attachments for download), are free from computer viruses. The Corner Studio has no control over the contents of websites maintained by third parties, which may be accessible and/or linked through websites maintained by Gathering Threads and makes no representation or warranty with respect to such websites or any information on such websites. You should refer to the terms and conditions of the relevant third party website and ensure you read and understand the terms that apply to you.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, The Corner Studio, its employees and agents exclude all liability (including liability by reason of negligence) to any person for any loss, damage, cost or expense incurred or arising as a result of any information, whether by reason of any error, omission, the currency or misrepresentation in the information or for any action taken by any person in reliance upon the information contain within this website or any other website which may be accessed through this website. You should seek specific professional advice before acting or refraining from acting on the basis of any of the information contained within this website or any other website which may be accessed through this website.


The contents of this website are copyright. You may access and/or display these pages on a computer or monitor as well as print out and copy for your personal use any whole page or pages in this website. All other use, copying or reproduction of any part of this website is prohibited except as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth). Without limiting the foregoing, no part of this website may be reproduced or otherwise made available online.


Placement of Order

Any order placed by you from this website is an offer by you to purchase a particular product or service for the stated price (including delivery and other charges) specified in this website at the time you place your order.

Acceptance of Order

Read the Terms and Conditions that are applicable to purchases made on this website.

We reserve the right to accept or reject your offer for any reason, such as the unavailability of any product or service, an error in the price of the product or service or an error in your order. As there may be reasons why we cannot fulfil your order, your contract with us will only come into existence when we advise you that we have accepted your order and receipt of your payment has been confirmed.


Prices of goods and services and delivery and other charges displayed on The Corner Studio’s website are current at the time of display. These prices are subject to variation without notice. We will always attempt to be as accurate as possible with our product descriptions and pricing. However, we are unable to warrant that product descriptions or other content of the website is accurate, complete, reliable, current or error free.

Credit Card Payments

We accept VISA and Mastercard for credit card transactions.


The prices displayed will be the purchase price, including GST (where applicable).


At the end of the payment process you will be presented with a receipt on-screen containing your order number. This order number should be quoted for any enquiries you may have relating to your order. The page can be printed for your reference. You will receive from The Corner Studio a tax invoice/receipt for taxation purposes in the mail or via email.

Cancellation by The Corner Studio

We reserve the right not to provide goods or services, terminate any agreement, remove or edit content contained on this website or cancel orders (or part thereof) at our sole discretion at any time. Without limiting the operation of the Terms and Conditions orl any other terms contained herein, we will not be held liable for loss or damage arising from the exercising of these rights.

Cancellation by You

Once we have accepted payment for an order, cancellation of the order is within our sole discretion. If you need to cancel an order you will be subject to the Terms and Conditions.


The Corner Studio reserves the right to, at any time, change, modify, add or delete any part of these Website Terms of Use and it is recommended that you periodically review these terms.